
Vicki Paris Goodman

Vicki Paris Goodman lost her beloved husband Sam to cancer in 2019. While navigating her profound grief, she was astonished when the tragic event unexpectedly opened up a world of possibilities, filling her with gratitude and optimism. Sheer inspiration motivated her to write To Sam, With Love in the hope others might benefit from her experience.

Vivid Stories, Unforgettable Journeys: Experience the Brilliance of Vicki Paris Goodman

Ms. Goodman was born in Los Angeles, California, and grew up near the hub of the Hollywood entertainment industry. After marrying Sam Goodman in 1997, the couple resided in Long Beach until retirement prompted a move to Prescott, Arizona, in 2016.

She is a retired mechanical engineer and real estate appraiser. She  plays violin semi-professionally, sings and served a Long Beach-area newspaper as theater critic for over twenty years.


speed bumps cover

Speed Bumps

And Other Impediments to Life in the Fast Lane

To Sam, With Love

A Surviving Spouse’s Story of Inspired Grief



Vicki Paris Goodman’s journey of heart and humor highlights her transition from a technical career to writing, emphasizing her emotional and witty narrative style…